Friday, December 4, 2009

Wardrobe Crisis

I am having the worst wardrobe crisis ever.

I never realised how serious it is until that day when I finally governed up enough courage to try on my pre-pregnancy clothes which I had painstakingly kept organised neatly in my wardrobe when I shifted house (come to think about it, I shouldn't have bothered)

To illustrate the extent of how disastrous it is... imagine not being able to pull up my pants past my mid thigh! And not only do the buttons & the holes on my shirt not meet, they are a good three inches apart! And yes, I was already holding my breath while trying them on.

I guess before that I have been in denial, hoping that I would fit right back in them "one day" (now this "one day" seems too bleak to be in this lifetime).
Now it is time to bid farewell to all my beloved clothes and they will soon be heading for cartons or other people's wardrobes. Sigh, their destiny it shall be...

As the chinese saying goes: "Old ones don't go away, New ones wouldn't come!"
So just the other day, I indulged in a short yet intensive shopping trip with XH (short because we both needed to rush back to breastfeed before we explode, intensive because we both recognised that shopping to replace an existing wardrobe is serious business :-)) Like how XH put it... we must have tried on like a zillion skirts in Zara for that 2 hours.
Though it was fruitful since we both went home with a few good items, the fact they were at least 2 sizes up my original can only be summed up in one word...Depressing!

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