Sunday, December 21, 2008

All About Bunnies

I chanced upon this non-profit organization about rabbits while passing through a flea market the other day.

Being a "fellow rabbit" myself, I did my part by purchasing some merchandise for which proceeds go to the society fund.

Along with that, I came across a few interesting facts which I never knew about rabbits:

- There are over 1,000 rabbits abandoned in Singapore every year- Never hold rabbit by their ears (those darn magicians)
- Rabbits can live up to 12 years.- Rabbits reach sexual maturity btw 3 to 6 months of age (not much of a childhood)
- Rabbits have induced ovulation. That means the female only produces an egg when being mounted by a male! (absolute nightmare when it comes to family planning). This is also the very reason why rabbits should be sterilized and not allowed to breed
- Female rabbits are known as "Does" and male rabbits are known as "Bucks" (that's probably how the most famous rabbit we know got its name!)

For fellow species and rabbits-lovers, you may want to drop in at House Rabbits Society to learn more!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lesson Learnt #1

Lesson Learnt #1: Never buy bleach together with a million other items and when you actually have to walk home.

For the benefit of those who have never bought bleach in their life, I am talking about the 4 litres kind.

My cleaning aunties have been reminding me week after week that my bleach is running out and that I should seriously buy a new bottle before the "running out" becomes "ran out". And week after week, there is no new bottle of bleach ... much to the disappointment of the aunties.

So today I have decided to end all that and go get bleach!

It was all good until I thought, heck, since I am at the supermarket why not load up on some fruits & drinks in the fridge as well ... and some good old instant noodles too ... and hey, isn't that my favourite brand of sausages which was off the shelf for a long time ... ahhh, campbell soups on discount, no harm getting 2 cans to standby for emergency ... and why not grab some buns from the bakery for tomorrow's breakfast ...

And then I began my longest 5 min walk home.

I totally over-estimated my arms' carrying capabilities (it then dawned upon me what all those weight lifting in gyms is all about. To prepare us for trying moments like this! But then, I was never a gym person)

Did I mention it was raining?