Sunday, January 25, 2009


Important decisions are difficult decisions, usuually.With sufficient support and understanding, difficult decisions can then be made with more self-conviction.

Or maybe that's just me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year Resolutions with Governance

There has been much new year resolution talks these past weeks.

So just how realistic and achievable are they?And how many of us actually act on or even remember them except until 12 months later when we go " oh here we go again..."

Are we making resolutions just to make ourselves feel like a better person while crossing into the new year OR are they really things that we hope to achieve but did not manage to do so due to reasons only we ourselves know?

This year, a couple of friends and I decided to take it to the next level ... with better governance. Our resolutions were documented clearly and quarterly reviews by the self appointed committee have been scheduled to track our progress! If you wonder why this sounds all so familiar... think "work", "boss","peformance-based bonous". Why take it so serious? Well, just adopting a model that has proved to work, hasn't it?

This is only 3rd week into 2009 and I am already seriously contemplating if the documented resolutions can be modified. Ok, maybe just slightly modified. Oh Come on! At uncertain times like these when banks and jobs disappear overnight , shouldn't we be more adaptive to changing times? (this shall be my appeal justification to the committee, not too weak I hope)

In the meantime, I better start working harder on achieving my new DAY resolutions ... which has been disappointing so far ... without any governance.