Thursday, November 20, 2008

Making Lists

I love making Lists.

Shopping List
Packing List
To Cook List
Gift List
To Do List

(oops, here I go making a list again)

Guess part of the satisfaction comes from the anticipation of scribbling them down in big bold strokes on paper. The rest of the satisfaction is naturally derived from crossing out item by item in the list subsequently.

Ever since this week started, I am not too sure of my feelings towards making lists anymore, particularly the To Do List @ work.

For almost every item I crossed out, three new items have been added so I am really not looking forward to how this list will explode by Fri.

And that bothers me a great deal because ... it will not leave me enough time to start my Packing List for this Saturday's trip!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last weekend, I accompanied by niece to her Pri One Orientation (don't remember we had that during our times).The principal were running through some slides on "Are your kids ready for Pri One"?

Simple Reading? - check!
Simple Counting? - check!
Communication with others? - check!
Toilet Trained? - check!
Money Sense? - check!

My niece is soooo ready :)

We then left the school and went for lunch together where she had her favourite chicken rice.Afterwhich, she happily grabbed a lovely book from Borders and a box of Ikura from the Supermarket which we gladly bought her.

Lesson Time -

"Hey, do you know how much does this box of Ikura cost?

She took a look at the price tag. "10 dollars?"

"Yes, and do you know how many plates of chicken rice you can buy with that money?"

She smiled sheepishly "erm....don't know?"

"3 plates of chicken rice."

She looked surprised "OH"

"Then how many plates of chicken rice can your book buy"

She scratched her head a little "erm......"

"10 plates of chicken rice"

Her eyes grew so wide and her pitch so high "10 plates of chicken rice?!? WOW!"

She then went running to her mum who was in the other lane and I could hear her repeating every detail about her lastest amazing findings.

Money Sense? - erm...maybe Uncheck! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Age? Not a Problem!

Was switching channel and came across some contestant doing a Frank Sinatra on America's Got Talent. Not just any contestant but someone 74 year old. Really applaud him for his courage and energy to do this, not to mention doing it so effortlessly. All of a sudden, age does not seem to be an obstacle to anything we set our minds on doing.

And talking about age, how can I forget this impressive little 6-year old belting away tunes like an angel. Her voice so pure that it touches hearts and draws tears. How can anyone not fall in love with this adorable, sweet, innocent little Connie Talbot from Britain's Got Talent.

Little but with a HUGE talent.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Best Buy of The Month

As part of my continued quest for organizing my assets, I have recently acquired what I term as best investment of the month. If you are thinking of properties and gold and .... (pardon me for my lack of extensive examples but what other assets do people own anyway?!?), then you are obviously not someone who will appreciate what I am talking about here.

By "assets", I mean shoes, wardrobe, bags, accessories... you gals must know what I mean. If you havent noticed, I am able to produce a longer list of examples here :P

And tah it is.

Since then, I never have to spend minutes after minutes rummaging for the missing left/right earring!

Every gal should own one of this.

Ok and you guys too ... if you have your private collection that is.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Durty Nelly

Great work Gurmit! For pulling together so many of us (with a few unfortunate absentees) for a short yet cool gathering.

This society needs folks like you.

Cool for being able to catch up with old friends in between the next wedding dinner and baby shower.

Cool for doing this still after almost a decade.

Cool for having adults with beers in their hands and kids with fries in theirs, all cozying up in the same place. Even babies in arms with delayed bedtime.

This society needs places like that.

And have I mentioned those were some mean yummy spicy drumlets?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Burger vs McCain Chicken

And so the burger prevails and triumphs...

First Words

Ok I was a late adopter of facebook and even a later adopter for this Note application... actually not really, if I think about this friend who has not even bothered to type in the facebook URL up till now to check it out...and you know who you are! Anyway I planned to write about this enjoyable half-day leave I took but I realised with 5% battery left, admit it... I am not going to achieve much tonight (the orange alert is glaring right in my face and prompting me to type faster and faster). Charge it first ? Oh yes like why didnt I think of it?? Not when I am facing the prospects of being late tomorrow morning for my 830am meeting. So... perfect excuse for cutting this short for now.