Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Roles Rules

Everybody has a role to play in Baby Justin's daily life.

The Daddy:
- The official chauffeur
- The official photographer
- The diaper changing assistant
- Greets him good moring with his favourite cot mobil animals
- Carries him to and from the car in the mornings

The Gong Gong:
- Carries him up four flights of stairs if I have more than one bag to handle
- Makes funny animal noises which sounds to me like a cross between a monkey and a chicken
- Carries him outside to appreciate his pots of flowers along the corridor
- Sings him nursery songs that I have never heard of in my entire life

The Po Po:
- Takes turns with me to bathe him
- Attempts to make him nap in the afternoons with pretty low success rate so far
- Burps him which I have very little patience for
- Makes milk & feed him
- Entertains him constantly with little animal softtoys

The Uncle:
- Knocks off in the evening and sings boring army songs to soothe him when no one else seems to be bothered by his crying ( I once dozed off listening to him)

The Ye Ye:
- Welcomes him home every night with some Chinese New Year songs
- Chats with him in the rocking chair while we have our dinner

The Ma Ma:
- Makes milk & feed him (usually outsourced by The Daddy) if I am still having dinner or showering
- Attempts to make him sleep for the first round at night
- Bathes him on Sundays

The Mummy:
- The official milk supplier
- The official jukebox
- Oversees milk & diapers supplies in both households
- Kisses him every morning when he wakes up
- Continues with the morning greetings of his cot mobil animals while The Daddy changes into his working clothes
- Takes on any of the above when anyone decides to take a day off

And thanks to everyone playing their roles so well.... I am still sane and enjoying every bit of motherhood :)

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