Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not All Help Is Welcomed

Just came across this piece of news about how a lady jumped to her death after attending a self-help course. Very unfortunate and ironic I must say. Aren't such courses supposed to help regain confidence, find yourself, be a better person blah blah blah? Who would have thought that such positive intentions can lead to death.

Is this just an isolated case where the course is too intense and uncertified? That plus the fact that people who choose to attend such courses generally are in a relatively more vulnerable or confused state of mind anyway? I definitely hope so, given the proliferation of such courses/talks.

I always wonder if such courses really can change a person's life or outlook. Perhaps without the intensity (which in this case resulted in a freak disaster which could have been avoided), they just cannot get to peoples' mind.

How about books or other literature of such kind then? Are they safer but maybe not as effective? While browsing in a book store the other day, I couldn't help but notice there was an entire shelf or maybe two dedicated to self help books.

If you ask me, there is always the kind of help that doesn't burn a hole in the pocket and is totally safe... family and friends.
(Disclaimer: Ok, it depends on the the kind you have!)

More of it at:

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