Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Magical Song

There is only one sure way to keep Baby Justin from making way too much noise in the car.

I can't remember exactly when but it all started some months ago when he decided that being stuck to the car seat for the entire journey from ECP to KPE to PIE was too much for him to bear...

I also can't remember how it started but I must have tried everything from talking nicely to him to screaming (almost) at him, from switching the radio on & off repeatedly to doing the same for the lights in the car, from dangling one toy to a dozen toys infront of him. I ended up so exhausted physically that I just laid back and started singing whatever that came to my mind. And that didn't work until I came to this song - the magical song.

And that magical song is "Ten Green Bottles".
Don't fret if you don't know this song because you DON'T have to know this song if you DON't have a crying baby in your car....
For those of you who know the song... yes... I know... what a boring song...

So, he was screaming on top of his lungs and fidgeting in his car seat but the moment I started on this song...he stopped and gave me a 3 second stare before looking away and kept quiet for the rest of the song.

Sometimes, the moment the song ended, he started his crankiness again. I did experiment with other songs but none worked better than this because they don't usually last past the first couple of lines.

Until today, I still do the same but this is hardly a song that can last the entire journey... so sometimes I will have to keep repeating the entire song or double, triple counting the bottles (so there will always be bottles left hanging on the wall) just to keep the journey peaceful until we reach our destination.

Seriously, I can almost sing myself to sleep as I sound totally like a broken record... but hey... it works for my baby!
And that is all that matters.

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